Benefits for Businesses and Local Governments

Web based solution with friendly user interface

Monitor and manage project milestones

Perform risk assessments and mitigation strategies

Document linking and storage capability in support of audit documentation

Increased internal control with user account limitations

Ability to export quick reports into Excel files

Project Management
PROCORE’s project management module allows for the recording, monitoring and managing key project elements. Projects can be easily classified using predefined drop down selections. Warning messages and icons denote when required data elements are missing.

Cost Management
PROCORE’s cost management module provides a centralized location for users to view, analyze or input obligation and expense data. Custom filters allow cost data to be viewed from multiple perspectives, any of which, can be easily exported to Excel.

Document Retention
PROCORE’s Document Retention feature allows the user to upload and store documents. Documents can be associated with a specific project or a specific cost data entry. Documents which have been uploaded are easily identifiable in the Project Management and Cost Management modules and a simple click on the icon will provide quick access to the related document.

Tech Insights
ARPA Fund Compliance Simplified
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provided substantial funding to States, Counties, and Cities in 2021 to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recipients of ARPA funds are required to comply with specific ARPA Funds Guidelines outlined by the US Treasury. To enhance compliance with these regulations, PROCORE offers an innovative web-based Project Management & Compliance Reporting solution. This powerful tool assists recipients in effectively and efficiently managing their ARPA funding by state, enhancing accountability, transparency, and utilization of resources. Features of ARPA Funds Guidelines Efficient Compliance Management…
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